PR/ Chairman: Ill Donald C. Combs, 33° IGH, PGM
Almoner: Ill C Wayne Barnes, 33° IGH
Venerable Master: David Armstrong, SR, 33° IGH
Wise Master: Patrick Brooks, 32° KCCH
Commander: Stephen Bulwinkle, 32° KCCH
Master of Kadosh: Casey Hodges, 32°
2024 Huey Davis, 32° KCCH
2024 Dwayne Sutton, 32°
2026 Bill Shepard, 33° IGH
2026 Mike Nichols, 32° KCCH
AASR Fellow- Matthew Fischer, 32°-2025
Hinesville GA Assn Rep: Carlos Ruiz, 32° KCCH
Brunswick Ga. Assn Rep: James E. Stevens, 33° IGH
Jesup Assn Rep: Huey Davis, 32° KCCH
Statesboro GA Association Rep: Joey Jackson, 33° IGH
Knights of St Andrews, Steven Guzan, 32°
Director of Work: Thomas Chapman, 32° KCCH
Personal Rep.: (Appointed) Ill Donald C, Combs, 33° IGH, PGM
Secretary: (Appointed) James L. Jones, 33° IGH
Treasurer: (Appointed) David Armstrong, 33° IGH
Trustees Chairman: Ill Don C. Combs, 33° IGH
Trustee James Johns, 33° IGH
Trustee Bruce McNall, 33° IGH
Trustee Roger Coursey, 33° IGH
Trustee Thomas Chapman. 32° KCCH
Legal Council: Darryl Gugig, 32° KCCH