The Scottish Rite Masonic Center Savannah, Georgia
This Historic Landmark has stood in downtown Savannah for more than 85 years as a monument to Masonry. In the late 1800’s a group of Masons decided that an effort should be made to erect a Masonic Building that would accommodate the various Blue Lodges and appendant bodies which for over a hundred years had not had a permanent home. On May 2, 1896, the Masonic Temple Association was incorporated and immediately began to accumulate funds which would eventually reach a quarter of a million dollars. This was done through donations and the sale of stock to individuals and the various Masonic organizations in the area. The land upon which the Masonic Center stands was purchased in November 1895 for the sum of $22,500, before the Masonic Center Foundation was chartered. In 1903, a general appeal was made to all the masonic organizations for additional support and the response was very encouraging to the leaders of the Association. In 1912 the fund had grown to the extent that the Dreamers who saw in their visions a new and handsome home for Savannah Masonry were ready to proceed with what would be a source of pride for the fraternity and an ornament to the city of Savannah. In the fall of 1912 the contract was awarded for the building and the corner stone was laid June 30, 1913, by Most Worshipful Robert L. Colding, Grand Master of Masons in Georgia, with several thousand people in attendance.
As time wore on and support waned, the rising cost of completing the construction of the Masonic Center became more than the Association could meet. In 1917, it became apparent that the Association would not be able to meet it’s responsibilities and the contractor received a judgement against it. After a time of legal maneuvering three Scottish Rite Masons obtained a loan and proceeded to complete the construction. The Building was completed in 1923 and deeded to the Scottish Rite. Even though it has been known as the Scottish Rite Temple for these many years it has been home to all Masonry, and is now rightfully known as the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. In June of 2019 the membership voted to sell this location and build a new Scottish Rite Masonic Center. Please visit our “NEW BUILDING” page for information on our new MasonicCenter.